市政的火车 信贷:@nam_1018


Learn how to get around San Francisco easily with accessible transportation options.

Getting around San Francisco is easier than ever with a safe and reliable public transit system that caters to those with disabilities. 市政, 巴特, 和Caltrain都有电梯之类的功能, 高架平台, 预留的座位, 更多的是为了让你继续前进. 除了, multiple car rental 服务 and rideshare options are available for even easier movement throughout SF.


San Francisco is an accessible destination, starting when you land at the airport. 无论你飞往哪个机场,都可以轻松地开始你的旅行. 


SFO致力于确保设施, 服务, 每一位来访的客人都可以参加节目. 你可以很容易地绕过每个SFO航站楼. 



OAK offers many convenient features for every passenger, no matter their ability. 找到坡道,无障碍洗手间,预留座位,和更多. OAK also provides convenient 服务 on-site for persons with any disability or specific needs. 请到值机柜台寻求帮助.


Tip: Getting into San Francisco is accessible from Oakland and San Francisco Airport. 乘坐贝博体彩app湾区捷运(巴特),在贝博体彩app各地找到方便的站点.


San Francisco's paratransit service is available to people who cannot independently use 市政's regular bus/rail service.

For more information about paratransit 服务 and their application process, please click 在这里 或打电话.

(415) 351-7000.
Tty:(415) 351- 3942

电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)


Almost all SF Bay Area public transportation accepts the convenient Clipper card. 购买 你的快船卡在线, 从当地的便利店, or from ticketing machines and load funds to facilitate your travels. This card allows you to store monthly passes or a dollar value for per-ride payments, making it the simplest and most efficient way to navigate the entire Bay Area.


湾区快速交通系统 is the primary and efficient mode of transportation for exploring the San Francisco Bay Area. 票价是根据你站的距离来定的, 随着更远目的地的价格上涨, 2美元起.00到大约15美元.00. Easily purchase tickets at the station or use the Clipper Card for user-friendly and accessible transportation.

巴特 Tips: All 巴特 stations are equipped with ADA-compliant elevators. 检查它们的运行状态 在这里



Caltrain offers the most convenient transportation from San Francisco to the Peninsula and San Jose area. Fares, determined by travel distance and divided into multiple zones, range from $3.75 to $15.50. 在车站毫不费力地买票, 登船付款, 或者使用他们用户友好的移动应用程序来获得无缝体验. Caltrain ensures a straightforward and accessible travel option for commuters.

Caltrain Tips: The designated ADA car is the second car from the end of the train. 汽车 are marked with a blue accessibility symbol next to the doors. 


金门巴士 & 渡船

这个运输系统, 由公共汽车和渡轮组成, 去马林县和东湾部分地区的最佳路线是什么.

All Golden Gate Transit bus 服务 operate with ramp- or lift-equipped buses, 设有“跪式功能”,方便登机. Passengers can request the use of the ramp, lift, or kneeling feature as needed. 票价根据地区而定,从2美元起.25 to $14.25, and can be paid in cash or with your Clipper Card while boarding.

渡轮服务, 完全符合《贝博体彩app》确保了像拉克斯珀这样的港口的可达性, 索萨利托, 位于, 和天使岛. Additionally, they offer “The Giants 渡船” on select dates to and from Oracle Park. Pay when you board with your Clipper Card or purchase a ticket at the terminal.



市政, 贝博体彩app的公共交通系统, 包括轻轨(地下和街道), 缆车, 历史性的有轨电车, 和公共汽车. 一趟车的固定费用是2美元.50美元,90分钟,包括转车. 车票可以在地铁站的售票机上买到, 通过克利伯卡, 或通过市政移动应用程序. 该系统拥有可访问的功能,如跪式巴士, 可调节的坡道, 预留的座位, 和更多的, 确保整个网络的用户体验.

Please Note: The historic 缆车 do not have accessible boarding or seating, 但是历史电车线(F)在大多数站点都可以到达. 



享受风景优美的游轮或从贝博体彩app通过轮渡, 最美丽的交通方式之一. 每艘船都有一个专门的团队, 确保无缝、舒适的上下机. Please be aware that boarding gangways can occasionally sway due to rough seas or adverse weather conditions, 但他们细心的船员很乐意帮助任何需要. 票价分为三个区域,从2美元起.30 to $9.30. Conveniently purchase tickets at any ferry terminal or use your Clipper Card during boarding. Onboard, have a comfortable experience with ADA restrooms and a bar serving light drinks and snacks.



希望你在贝博体彩app的旅行更灵活? Find the perfect rental vehicle to get around comfortably and efficiently. 


The following van rental companies provide ADA-compliant vehicles in the Bay Area: Mobilityworks


Almost all car rental companies provide ADA-compliant vehicles upon request. 浏览这些主要品牌以获取更多信息. The best pick-up location is at 贝博体彩app国际机场. 



叫一辆拼车或出租车,轻松地在贝博体彩app四处走动. 只需通过手机请求搭车,就可以上路了. 


超级 has their own ADA rideshare features, providing transportation to anyone and everyone. Select your destination via the app and choose from one of two features: WAV, 适合轮椅使用者使用, 或协助, 哪家公司提供持证助理驾驶和帮助. 



通过Lyft轻松获得轮椅无障碍车辆(WAV), 确保您前往理想目的地的交通便利. Utilize their user-friendly app to select your destination and opt for one of two specialized features: WAV, 专为轮椅使用者设计, 或协助, which offers a certified assistant to drive and provide additional support. Enjoy seamless and inclusive transportation 服务 tailored to your unique needs.



找到一个传统的出租车乘车是一件轻而易举的事情, 方便地驻扎在繁华的城市地区. 车队里有很多轮椅专用车, 黄色出租车确保您舒适地到达目的地. 通过应用程序或拨打415方便地使用他们的服务.333.3333号,确保你的安全.


Aaron是Digital的经理 & 社交媒体营销在贝博体彩app旅游. He has lived in San Francisco for over 9 years and has worked in Travel & 其中超过7个是旅游业. He is usually exploring the Bay Area hunting for that new and unique experience and good food too! 

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