Your Guide to San Francisco's 公共艺术 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
“Untitled” by Jorge Pardo, 2022, Van Ness Avenue & Geary Street Boarding Platforms.
“Untitled” by Jorge Pardo, 2022, Van Ness Avenue & Geary Street Boarding Platforms. 图片来源:Ethan Kapla Photography,由贝博体彩app艺术委员会提供

Your Guide to
San Francisco's 公共艺术 This Spring

In San Francisco, the city is our canvas. 无论你在哪个社区探险,你一定会发现一些令人惊叹的自由艺术.

San Francisco’s ethos of innovation, spirit of creativity, 宜人的全年气候使这座城市成为公共艺术的完美场所. 以下是我们最喜欢的一些鼓舞人心的艺术作品,当你外出时,你会看到.

Central Subway Station Artworks

贝博体彩app艺术委员会与贝博体彩app市政交通局合作策划了一个多元化的公共艺术项目,其中包括12位艺术家的10件永久性和免费的特定地点艺术品. They are placed inside 和 outside of the four new Central Subway stations in SoMa, Union Square, 和 唐人街.

唐人街-Rose Pak Station

Yangge: Dance of the BrideYangge: Dance of the New Year

这两件由侯玉梅绘制的充满活力的红色激光切割金属艺术品迎接着参观者, 描绘中国民间舞蹈,展示婚礼和新年等庆祝活动的场景.

到来 (Coming 2024)

Tomie Arai的艺术作品通过大型建筑玻璃图像描绘了社区的历史和社区, showcasing scenes from gardens to the port of San Francisco.

A Sense of Community

这幅充满活力的瓷砖壁画由克莱尔·罗哈斯(Clare Rojas)设计,突出了丝绸之路纺织品的多样性, symbolizing 唐人街's community.


Union Square/Market Street Station

Lucy in the Sky

Erwin Redl的500多个LED面板的照明装置跨度近670英尺, creating a kaleidoscopic effect that visitors can pass under.

Silent Stream

Jim Campbell 和 Werner Klotz's stainless-steel sculpture, which hangs above Muni riders on the platform, resembles an underground creek.

Convergence: Commute Patterns


埃尔文·雷德尔的《贝博体彩》,2021年,中央地铁:联合广场市场站 Credit: Ethan Kaplan Photography. Courtesy of the San Francisco 艺术 Commission

Yerba Buena/Moscone Station


罗克西·潘恩(Roxy Paine)的这个螺旋形雕塑可以在几个街区外看到, rising 102 feet despite its deceptively thin circumference. Locals still argue over what it represents. 一个豆茎? A young tree? A crack in the Earth?


凯瑟琳·瓦格纳(Catherine Wagner)将她在20世纪70年代拍摄的莫斯康中心(Moscone Center)建筑照片转化为大型花岗岩和玻璃艺术品,在车站内展出.

面对C / Z

Leslie Shows's artwork features a pyrite-inspired design, symbolizing shifting values 和 Bay Area gold rushes.

4th & Brannan Station


Moto Ohtake设计的这个由风驱动的雕塑被安装在一个40英尺高的灯杆上,通过31个旋转点创造出不同的运动, providing infinite combinations.

Downtown San Francisco

Like an open-air museum, 市中心 贝博体彩app提供多种形式的室内和室外艺术.

贝博体彩app市中心最新增加的艺术之一是Talavera-Ballón的炮台桥壁画. 在加州街555号外,你会发现银行家之心雕塑(正式命名为“银行家之心”) Transcendence) by Masayuki Nagari.

The bronze sculptures of Douglas Tilden's Mechanics Monument commemorate industry at Market, Bush, 和 Battery streets. At 465 California Street, 历史悠久的商人交易大楼拥有艺术家威廉·库尔特的海上壁画.

在布什街350号历史悠久的矿业交易所大楼的大厅里, you can view two sailboat paintings by artist Christopher Brown. Outside the building, Artificial Rock No. 149 showcases a sculpture by Zhan Wang.

在Embarcadero沿岸的林肯公园,你可以找到Claes Oldenburg和Coosje van Bruggen的店 丘比特的跨度, 这是一个巨大的弓箭雕塑,灵感来自厄洛斯的神话, 谁的箭刺穿大地象征着富饶和活力.

Cupids Bow on the Embarcadero

Illuminate SF

Celebrating San Francisco's creativity 和 innovation, 照亮SF突出了城市的公共灯光艺术,这些装置大多可以通过公共交通工具到达,并且可以免费欣赏. 在这座城市的许多街区都可以找到这种装置, 和 during the holiday season, Illuminate SF's Festival of Light features stunning, 整个城市的特定地点的户外装置,让贝博体彩app眼花缭乱.


Flower power at Illuminate SF.

San Francisco City Guides

Beginning in 1976 with librarian-led tours of City Hall, San Francisco City Guides 已经扩展到超过275名志愿者大使,提供70多个旅游项目. Several tours highlight the city's beautiful murals, like “Mission Murals”, 这些壁画在20世纪70年代首次出现在哪里,并很快成为该地区身份的中心, 和 “Sc和alous Murals of Rincon Center”, 这里展出了27幅由莫斯科出生的艺术家Anton Refregier创作的挑战传统的壁画, patriotic view of America in the 1950s. 其他以艺术为重点的散步以电影、历史和建筑为中心. Advance registration is recommended, but walk-ups are welcome.

Author Lucas Mittenentzwei
Lucas Mittenentzwei

Lucas Mittenentzwei is a digital project 和 content consultant. Originally from Germany, he has lived in California since 2010, calling San Francisco his home for several years. 卢卡斯在加入加州旅游局之前从事酒店业,该旅游局的使命是鼓励世界各地的人来加州旅游. He is passionate about all aspects of the travel experience, 但尝试新餐厅(或久经考验的经典餐厅)是他的首要任务.

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